Researchers are advised to cite from the downloadable PDFs of the interview transcripts which can be found on the interview pages.
References should include the following:
- Name of person interviewed (last name, first initials)
- Year of interview (in round brackets)
- Project title in italics (Oral History Project: The Windrush Scandal in a Transnational and Commonwealth Context)
- Interviewed by (last name, first initial)
- Day, month and location of the interview
- Available at: URL of transcript
- [Accessed: day, month and year]
- page number
Example: Hewitt, G. (2022). Oral History Project: The Windrush Scandal in a Transnational and Commonwealth Context. Interviewed by Hayes de Kalaf, E. 1 July, London. Available at: [Accessed: 5 February 2024] p. 3.
In-text citation: (Hewitt, 2022)
Some individual contributors have stipulated that you must gain their consent to quote from their interviews, or inform them when you do so. Where there are particular conditions of use, this is stated clearly at the top of each transcript. It is the researcher’s individual responsibility to gain this consent and attribute the work in the manner specified by the author.
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