Here you can listen to oral history interviews with academic, heritage sector and NGO workers interviewed for this project in Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Barbados. These interviews discuss the causes, course and history of the so-called Windrush scandal with a particular focus on its transnational impact in, across and beyond the region.
We would like to thank colleagues and archivists in the Caribbean at the University of the West Indies at the Mona Campus, Cave Hill Campus and Saint Augustine Campus for their unwavering support and kindness in facilitating this research. We also wish to acknowledge the role of the staff at the Barbados Museum & Historical Society for sharing their research findings with us.
Please visit the Interview Keywords section at the bottom of this page for an indexation of all main interview themes.
Alissandra Cummins
Alissandra Cummins is Director of the Barbados Museum & Historical Society. An art historian, educator and scholar, she is also the former president of the International Council of Museums and is currently president of the International Coalition of Sites of...
Dr Marcia Burrowes
Dr. Marcia Burrowes is Lecturer in Cultural Studies, founder of the Cultural Studies course and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Culture, Creative and Performing Arts at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill campus in Barbados.[Speaking about the term...
Dr Natalie Dietrich Jones
Dr Dietrich Jones is a Research Fellow at the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) at the University of the West Indies Mona Campus in Kingston, Jamaica. She is an expert in migration, border politics and geographies with a specific...
Kaye Hall
Kaye Hall is the Education and Community Outreach Officer at the Barbados Museum & Historical Society (BMHS). With funding from EU-LAC Museums, in 2018 she was part of a team working with the University of the West Indies (UWI), the BMHS and the University of...
Professor Hamid Ghany
Hamid Ghany is Professor of Constitutional Affairs and Parliamentary Studies. He is former Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) and former Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (2003-2012) at the University of the...
Yvonne Grant MBE
Yvonne Grant MBE is the founder of the Open Arms Development Centre, a homeless shelter in Kingston, Jamaica which provides accommodation, training and support to persons deported by the Home Office to JamaicaA lot of them don’t think they’re Jamaican because,...
Caribbean NGOs, Academics and Museums Interview Keywords: activism | Africa | Afro-Caribbean migration | airlines | airport security | Alexander Bustamante | Alissandra Cummins | Amber Rudd | Amelia Gentleman | Andrew Holness | Anglican church | Arthur Jones | Arthur Torrington | Aruba | Barbados | Barbados Community College and Theatre Arts Programme | Barbados Landship | Barbados Museum & Historical Society | Baronness Scotland | Belize | Bellevue Hospital | Beyond a Boundary | biometrics | birth certificate | Bishop Wilfred Wood | Black Cultural Archives | Black History Month | Black Jacobins | Black Lives Matter | Black Power | boxer | Brexit | British Caribbean Federation Act | British Empire | British High Commission | British High Commissioner | British Guiana | British Overseas Dependent Territory | Buddy Larrier | British Film Institute | Building Society scandal | Cambridge University Commonwealth Society (CUCS) | Capitalism and Slavery | caregiving | Caribbean | Caribbean Advisory Board (CAB) | Caribbean Community (CARICOM) | Centre for Caribbean Studies | Cheddi Berret Jagan | Chevening | children | Christopher E. Diggines | Citizen of the UK and Colonies (CUKC) | Claude Graham | Clement Attlee | CLR James | colonial office | Coming to England leaflets | Coming Home to Jamaica booklet | Commonwealth Caribbean | Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) | Commonwealth Scholarship | COVID | Curaçao | David Cameron | Department for International Development (DFID) | deportation | diaspora | digital activism | Dominica | Downing Street | Dr Marcia Burrowes | Dr Natalie Dietrich Jones | Dwaine E. Plaza and Frances Henry | Duke and Duchess of Cambridge | elderly persons | Elizabeth Thomas-Hope | Ellis Clarke | emancipation | Elsa Goveia | Enigma of Arrival | Enoch Powell | E.R. Braithwaite | Eric Williams | Errol Barrow | Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination | Errol Barrow Scholarship |EU-LAC museums project | European Union (EU) | Family Unification Resettlement Initiative (FURI) | fear | five-pound note | Forbes Burnham | forced migration | Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) | From Invitation to Deportation: 70 Years of the Windrush Generation | George Lamming | George Padmore | Glenda Caesar | Governor William Reid | Grantley Adams | Grenada | Guyana | Guy Hewitt | Henderson Carter | homelessness | hostile environment | Hilary Beckles | Home Office | Houses of Parliament | Huntley & Palmers biscuit factory | ID cards | indefinite leave to remain (ILR) | indentureship | International Council of Museums (ICOM) | international development funding | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | Involuntary Returning Migrants (IRMs) | Jamaica | Jamaican birth certificate | Jamaican independence 1962 | Jamaican House of Representatives | Kenneth Walters | kinship ties | landlords | Latin American and Caribbean museums | Learie Constantine | legal aid | legal identity | leave to remain | Legislative Council of Trinidad and Tobago | Lennox Honychurch | literature | Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre (LESC) | Lord Hailes | Luke de Noronha | Margaret Thatcher | Mary Chamberlain | Mary Eugenia Charles | Maureen’s Place | Maureen Irons Morgan | menial jobs | Meeting of Caribbean British High Commissioners | mental illness | Michel-Rolph Trouillot | Ministry of Health | Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development | Ministry of National Security | mother country | Moyne Commission | Museum of Mankind | National Committee for the Homeless | National Health Service (NHS) | National Identification System (NIDS) | National Library Service | National Organisation for Deported Migrants | NGOs | Norman Manley | Open Arms Development Centre | Open Heart | oral history | oral history interviews | Orette Bruce Golding | Organization of American States (OAS) | Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) | Patrick Vernon | People’s National Movement (PNM) | petition | Planning Institute of Jamaica National Intelligence Bureau | Portia Simpson-Miller | Portland Rehab Management Group | Post Office | prison | Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) | Race Relations Act | Ralph Gonsalves | Reading Museum | recruitment agencies | recruitment programmes | red birth certificate | Reintegration and Rehabilitation Programme (RRP) | reparations | repatriation | remittances | right to remain | Ronald Reagan | Royal Air Force | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Secretary of State for the Colonies | Seth George Ramocan | Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) | Sky News | slavery | Small Island Developing States (SIDS) | Solomon Hochoy | statelessness | Stuart Hall | sugar economy | suitcase | Tate and Lyle | Tax Registration Number |Teddy Boys | The Front Room exhibition | The Labour Party | Theresa May | Tilbury Docks | Tony Blair | tourism | transnational | Transport for London | Trinidad and Tobago | UNESCO | United States | University of Saint Andrews | University of the West Indies (UWI) | University of the West Indies (UWI) | University of the West Indies Cape Hill | University of Warwick | US invasion of Grenada | Venezuela | Verene Shepherd | visa | Vodafone | V.S. Naipaul | Wendy Williams Lessons Learned Review | Windrush Compensation Scheme | West Indies | West Indies Act of 1967 | West Indies Federal Archives | West Indies Federation | Westminster/Whitehall tradition | Windrush Compensation Scheme | Windrush Day | Windrush lecture series | winter | World War II | young people | Yvonne Grant MBE